Open-area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID) offers the most reliable and cost-effective solution for fire detection in open spaces when only standard sensitivity is required. Its uncompromising performance is based on the patented use of digital imaging, dual-frequency beams and smart algorithms for full immunity to vibrations, building movement and reflections; complete resistance to dust, steam, fog, condensation and other obstructions; simple installation, commissioning and maintenance for lower costs. Another benefit is 3-D volumetric coverage.


General Brochures
Xtralis Corporate Brochure
OSID by Xtralis Brochure (ESP)

Application Guides
8 Reasons to Get Even More Excited about OSID
Metro Tunnels & Stations (ESP)
Production Floors & Warehouses (ESP)
Educational Facilities (ESP)
Open Commercial Areas (ESP)
Lobbies, Atria & Multi-story Open Spaces (ESP)
5 Reasons for OSID

OSID Video (Quicktime)


Technical Documents
OSID Technical Data Sheet (ESP)

Press Release
OSID by Xtralis Delivers Fire Detection for Open Spaces without Compromise

Product Photos
OSID photos (ZIP File)


Click here to visit our web site for up-to-date information


For further information, please contact us at:

Xtralis 700 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA 02061 USA
+800 229 4434  F +781 740 4433  E [email protected]  W